Dr. Mayar Farrag

Dr. Mayar Farrag

Marketing & HR Chief Consultant

Dr. Mayar Farrag

Marketing & HR Chief Consultant

Dr. Mayar Farrag has practical experience of over 20 years in conducting
market and HR studies. She has exceptional skills in employing
mathematical and statistical methods for the empirical measurement of
economic relationships. Dr. Farrag has been involved in the consultation
business with particular reference to the market, HR, and management
consultancy since 2001. During the whole period, she handled more
than 100 studies for almost all sectors and sub-sectors in Egypt
including tourism, textile, processed food, engineering, chemical,
pharmaceutical, construction, housing, and agriculture.
Dr. Farrag is a part-time instructor at the American University
in Cairo (AUC) and Arab Academy for Science, Technology and
Maritime Transport (AASTMT). Dr. Farrag holds a Master in Business
Administration (MBA) (May 2002) from Arab Academy for Science &
Technology, affiliated with Michigan University, United States. She also
holds a Ph.D. from Sadat Academy (2011)